
                                                                                                                                                                                                  A. Wasilewski palmist - graphologist



    About the Author





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1. Life Line is weak, thin, sometimes confusing, and chopped, to the same pale and - in poor health, dissatisfaction, life sour character.
When this line in one place having torn and there is a sprig of tubercles of Saturn - a sign of a sudden epidemic of the disease.
Transverse line on the mound of Venus - a line of energy and love.
 Such lines on mound of Jupiter - success in business or affairs of honor, somehow related, tchrezhdeny.
 The lines on the mound of Saturn - a success by coincidence.
 Line on the hillock of the Sun - Success in the arts, crafts or a good understanding of these things.
 Longitudinal lines on the mound Mer Curia - the success in the sciences, commerce, etc.
 Line running from the mound of Jupiter on the entire length of the index finger - a great happiness in matters of honor, glory, dignity, high position.
 The line, which originates at the mound of Saturn and runs the entire length of the middle finger - a success in law, engineering affairs, agriculture.
 Line running along the ring finger - success in the arts, crafts, treasure.
 The line on the little finger - advances in science or in the fishery, oratorical abilities.
 Protrusion in the form of island life on the line ill health caused by the troubles, sickness or any sickness (in which case you should see the line of head, heart and health in the same year).
 Protrusion in the form of islands on the line for you - strong love, imbalance in feelings.
 Line Hearts left off - the parting with nearly singular or her death.
 Line Hearts cut deep-mi dashes - the suffering, troubles.
 Grid on the mound of the moon - the failure and dangers in the road, frequent sadness, frustration.
 The grid formed by lines on the second phalanx of the thumb - the contradictions and failures in the plans.
 However, on the first phalanx of the thumb - the obstacles in the implementation of plans, impermanence.
 Fate line starts from the cusp of the moon and intermittent reaches of the middle finger - fickleness of fate, frequent travel, developed imagination.
 Three expressive bracelet line without transverse dashes and without islands - complete happiness and contentment.
 two transverse lines on the first phalanx of the middle finger - the danger of water, with appropriate additional signs on the mound of the moon - the death of water.
 Line Hearts thin, pale and in many places is interrupted - a sign of a weak heart ailments, the decline in the affairs of the heart.
 The index finger is longer than others - big ambitions, ideas and desire for glory.
 Grid on the mound of Mars - the lack of courage, frequent misunderstandings.


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Other toes



Life Line

Head line

Line heart

Fate line

Reading hands

Venus girdle

More on the hands















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