
                                                                                                                                                                                                  A. Wasilewski palmist - graphologist



    About the Author






God put a stamp on the hand of every man, that all men may know it.
The Book of Job 37:7
The law of God is ordained to the forehead and your hands.
The palms are the most fundamental Z line, namely: the Heart! 
Heads of Life.
      In their daily practice, we palmists, meet, however, and with other lines that are most often seen in cultured ladies - this is the line of Saturn, the Sun, Mercury, Health, Intuition, and so on.
     The more hand-dotted line-mi, the man is a gifted, intelligent, thoughtful, nervous.
Conversely, the more people easier and safer, the smaller lines on his palm.However, in general, as noted
     I have outlined above, the lines of heart, head and life inherent in all. 
(Sometimes you can see ladies who heart line is closely connected with the line of heads. These cases are very rare and the interpretation of his character is as follows: lack of warmth, refinement and originality, prudence, outstanding intellect. Is not, however, these people are happy because they give as little luck neighbor. They are often hot-tempered and treacherous.)
Color, depth, breadth, length of lines and connections between them mean a lot to palmist, many things they say.
     Each line must be regarded as a channel through which water flows.
     Deep, wide, well-colored line is an indicator of health, energy, good blood circulation (it follows from this gay character), longevity, if the line is not interrupted.
     Line of pale, thin, broken point to a lack of vital juices, anemia, frequent illnesses and all sorts of trouble from weakening, sadness, dissatisfaction with life.
      The same line of dark yellow or blue color indicates anger, aggressive nature of the heavy thoughts of suspicion (with obviously a convex mound of Mars).
    Line in different ways with a combined, scatter in different directions. 
This fact gives us the ability to read character and recognition of all the nuances and peculiarities of the human soul.






Other toes



Life Line

Head line

Line heart

Fate line

Reading hands

Venus girdle

More on the hands















It is interesting



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